Friday, March 13, 2009

Live Coverage: Harvest of Hope Festival, 2009

The first annual Harvest of Hope Festival was sponsored by Gainesville’s No Idea Records, a label that Against Me!, Less Than Jake, and This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb have all called home at some point. While the talent buyer wisely booked a good number of very reputable indie-rock acts, the organization and set times were detrimental to the festival as a whole. Rather than alternating pop punk with hip-hop or “indie rock,” the lineup was, for the most part, divided up into neat chunks of the same genre, band after band. Still, the festival’s goal of “providing financial, educational, and service oriented aid to migrant farm workers all over the country” seemed much closer to accomplishment with the high turnout.
Read set-by-set commentary HERE.

Here are my favorite pictures from the weekend. Having press access was amazing (thanks, TMT).

Deerhunter (pictured -- Lockett Pundt)

John Vanderslice

Holy Fuck


The National (pictured -- Matt Berninger)


Zach said...

where is the pic of the awesome press tent??

natasha said...

soooooo much fun