Monday, December 1, 2008

Record Review: Alva Noto

Alva Noto
[Raster-Noton, 2008]

Full Review HERE. Alva Noto is Carsten Nicolai, a German-born sound artist who co-founded the experimental electronica label Raster-Noton (also home to Ryoji Ikeda). I was interested in reviewing this album because I love the three collaborative EPs between Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto; check them out. Unitxt is a fascinating album, but ultimately disappoints in its lack of variety. It's definitely worth checking out a few of the tracks, though.

Myspace, contains excerpts of Unitxt

Buy it

"Trioon", by Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto. Really hypnotic song and video.

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