Monday, June 1, 2009

Record Review: Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear
[2009, Warp]

Read the full review HERE. Since the cozy lo-fi intimacy of Horn of Plenty, the men of Grizzly Bear have slowly been widening their scope. 2006’s watershed Yellow House was almost infinitely more complex than its predecessor, with dense arrangements and winding song structures that propelled them to universal acclaim, without compromising the haunting intimacy of Horn of Plenty. Floorboards creaked, steps resonated through halls, even the sound of piano dampers being released could be heard on “Knife.” With the following Friend EP, their sound seemed to be turning inward, with the “electric version” of “Little Brother.” The group seemed to be moving toward a more simplistic (but no less powerful or huge) sound, one that they had been honing over countless tour-dates...continue reading

I really like this album. If you haven't heard it, I suggest you do. This isn't the most eloquent review I've written, and maybe a little bit gushy at times; I was pressed for time toward the end.

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